Teeny, tiny update!

I am alive!

I am so sorry, but new year has been a bit full packed and I’ve been having some stuff going on and therefore neglected my beloved blog and followers. Again, I am so sorry!

I finally got to finish my first book of 2015! It’s The Duff by Kody Keplinger and it’ll most definitely be my first review of 2015. Also, I am thinking about a thing called “Forgotten Friday” where I post reviews of something I’ve read or watched long ago but never got around to write a review on. I’ve got a small list currently, and you probably know what books are there… hehe

Anyways! That’s all for now. The review for The DUFF will be up by the end of this week! (Probably on Friday)

Lots of love, and as always, thanks for the support!


Tell me what you think!