Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Thank you so much Leanna @ Short Story Long for nominating me!

The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Answer the ten questions they’ve set you.
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Nominate ten people.

Here are the questions I was asked by the lovely Leanna:

  1. If you had to choose between only ever reading a book once, or only being able to read the same ten books for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
    I think I’d actually chose to only ever read a book once, than only being able to read the same ten books for the rest of my life. The thing is, I am able to get sick og
  2. Thoughts on the Oxford comma?
    I think it depends. Normally, I’d use it, but sometimes, I’d just forget about using it.
  3. Explain the title of your blog.
    Ahhh, the title of my blog. I talked about this during my #BookBlogWriMo, but for those of you who are new here, the explanation of my title is that I’m a self-acclaimed wanderluster; I love travelling and constantly thinking about going away and going on the many adventures of the world. Combining it with my love for reading, kind of like “Reader x Wanderluster”, I ended up with The Wanderlust Reader.
  4. Books: stand alone or series?
    This is so hard, because stand alone is good for when I’m not in the mood for really committing to a whole series. I’m kind of the type that would read all the books in the series at once if they’re all out. But at the same time, sometimes the stand alone is simply too short, which makes it hard for me accept that there is no other books to continue the story and answer all my unanswered questions. But I guess, stand alones are my go-to at the moment.
  5. You can change one thing about the world. What do you change?
    Omg, this is such a huge question. Eh..
  6. Which book are you most sentimental about?
    Allegiant. Do I need to say anything more? I don’t think so.
  7. What’s your favourite colour?
    Reeeeed! I love red, especially burgundy/dark-ish red.
  8. List three things you know to be true.
    1. I love books
    2. Books makes me happy
    3. I am hungry 80% of the time
  9. You’re allowed to vacation in the setting of a book. Where do you go?
    HOGWARTS! Hands-down.
  10. Add “In Your Pants” to the end of the title of the last book you read. (For example, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire…in your pants)
    13 reasons why … in your pants.

Now for the 10 questions:

  1. Favourite reading snack?
  2. Would you rather read first, or movie first?
  3. Thoughts on The Fault in Our Stars?
  4. TBR this holiday season?
  5. Favourite holiday reads?
  6. Thoughts on film adaptions?
  7. Top 3 favourite series?
  8. Contemporary young adult; yay or nay?
  9. How is your 2014 Goodreads Reading Challenge going?
  10. Which fictional character would you be for a day?

And here are my 10 nominees!

  1. MyMy Tran @ Books Gap
  2. Olivia @ Books Beauty and Coffee
  3. Jacqueline Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Book Obsession
  4. Quinn @ Quinn’s Books
  5. Ashley @ Words We Heart
  6. Stefani @ Caught Read Handed
  7. Emily @ Books & Cleverness
  8. Lola @ Hit or Miss Books
  9. Lillie @ Booksraptured
  10. Jacqueline @ The Bashful Bibliophile

7 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

  1. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! | The Bashful Bibliophile

  2. Pingback: Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015 – End of the year survey | The Wanderlust Reader

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination! ^_^ I AGREE WITH YOU ON ALLEGIENT. *gives virtual high-five* December has been really busy, so I’ll be posting my answers now. 😀 red. red. red. -> my favourite colour as well aha. >.<

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